Getting your teeth straight and healthy

3D printing technology for aligners

A new 3D printing technology for dental aligners with continuous release of antibacterial and fluoride liquid makes teeth straightening healthier.

A beautiful smile is a symbol of a healthy life and a well-groomed appearance. However, Swiss statistics show that straight teeth require hard work: in the 2022 health survey, 34% of the population had worn braces at some point in their lives.

Dental aligners gaining in popularity

Dental aligners are the modern version of braces. These custom-made, clear plastic trays are fitted on the teeth and worn overnight or during the day, depending on the treatment plan. Dental aligners have grown in popularity in recent years due to their discreet appearance and comfort.

Innovative 3D printing technology

However, their traditional design can cause problems such as bacterial build-up, leading to bad breath (halitosis), plaque and even tooth decay. A new approach from Swiss start-up Actival tackles these problems head-on using patented 3D printing technology. The CSEM spin-off (read our story on CSEM) has developed aligners with integrated microchannels that improve saliva circulation around the teeth. According to the press release, this circulation is crucial for maintaining oral hygiene as it helps to naturally prevent bacterial growth.

Continuous fluid release

In addition, these microchannels release a constant antibacterial and fluoride fluid that protects tooth enamel, helps prevent tooth decay and provides fresh breath throughout the alignment process. The core technology of the Active Aligners lies in the patented microchannels, which were carefully designed with the help of CSEM to remain functional during the 3D printing process.

The microchannels ensure continuous circulation of saliva, unlike conventional aligners. This circulation is essential to prevent the side effects of traditional aligners, such as dental plaque and cavities

Nikola Kalentics, CEO and founder of Actival

Moving towards patient trials and commercialisation

Actival is currently preparing for clinical trials, with initial in vitro results from its own laboratory and tests at a dental clinic in Bern showing promising results. The start-up plans to launch its 'active aligners' commercially in Switzerland and the United States by the end of 2025, followed by Europe in 2026 and Asia in 2027. The start-up is awaiting approval for patient trials.